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Cindy Salim’s Mother (Indonesia)

After 5 months of regularly taking NeuroAid: She’s able to walk alone now using stick, Her cognitive functions are improving much better

Cindy Salim’s Mother (Indonesia)

” My mom suffered from Hemorrhagic Stroke (left basal ganglia bleed) on 8th of January 2010 and has been operated to put a shunt so that the cerebro liquid can flow normally. After that, the after-effects from the stroke are: right hemiparesis upper and lower extremities and poor cognitive functions (place and time disorientation, memory loss, poor verbal perception, poor vocabulary, poor calculation). The time we left Singapore, she only can stand up for at least 1 minute.

After 5 months of regularly taking NeuroAid and also rehabilitation (occupational, physio, speech therapy) continuing until today, I’m proudly to say that:

  • She’s able to walk alone now using stick (the therapist starts to teach her walking without stick but she’s still not confident yet and afraid to fall)
  •  Her cognitive functions are improving much better (start to regain old memory, speak properly, eat and sleep well, can express what she wants and feels..she is still confused when we ask her to calculate but somehow she can do it spontaneously)
  •  Now we are focusing on the hand; hopefully that the hand can improve like the leg

So far even the therapist said she’s really improving and I’m so happy to hear that; so through this story, I’m so welcome to help others so they can gain something like me.”

* Pictures are not the actual patients