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Gjorgji Nikoloski (Canada)

During first month of taking NeuroAiD™, she has experienced improvement in her walking with her post stroke affected leg, and was feeling some sensations in her affected right arm and fingers. Her speech got much better and clear, and her thinking process got clearer. I have to mention that her motivation and commitment to improve in her post stroke recovery has increased, too.

Gjorgji Nikoloski (Canada)

My wife had a stroke on August 1st, 2010 and after 18 months post stroke, she started to take NeuroAiD™. As a result of her stroke she could not walk properly with her right leg and her right arm and fingers were not functioning at all. Also, her speech was not very clear.

During first month of taking NeuroAiD™, she has experienced improvement in her walking with her post stroke affected leg, and was feeling some sensations in her affected right arm and fingers. Her speech got much better and clear, and her thinking process got clearer. I have to mention that her motivation and commitment to improve in her post stroke recovery has increased, too.

Generally, I can say she has experienced positive effects of taking NeuroAiD™ only for one month. We both hope that in next month or two, she will improve in her post stroke recovery, we are expecting that her right arm and fingers will get more alive and slowly get back in its functioning.

We would like to thank to the whole team who created NeuroAiD™, to your company and to yourself.

Thanks a lot,
Gjorgji and Marika


* Pictures are not the actual patients