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Manuel Ibarra

It’s been 4 months of her NeuroAiD treatment now. She has almost completely recovered her sight, speech as well as her memory.

Manuel Ibarra

Good Afternoon Sergio,

I would like to send you the testimonial of my wife Liliana.

My wife had a stroke last year in November. It affected her speech, sight and memory. The situation was so serious that she couldn’t even remember that we had a 3-month-old baby.

Fortunately, her doctor recommended NeuroAiD to us and she started taking it immediately. It’s been 4 months of her NeuroAiD treatment now. She has almost completely recovered her sight, speech as well as her memory.

Manuel Ibarra

(This testimonial was originally written in Spanish and translated by the NeuroAiD team)


* Pictures are not the actual patients