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Miguel Lopez (Mexico)

She is more awake and more participative.

Miguel Lopez (Mexico)

Hi Sergio,

I would like to take this opportunity to share with you the changes that my mother has had with the treatment with NeuroAiD. Her name is José Leonor, she is 84 years old and suffered a stroke affecting the right part of her body, leaving her immobile and unable to speak properly.

She started taking NeuroAiD about a year after her stroke. After a month and a week of the treatment, I was able to see some improvement in her condition. She is more aware of her surroundings and I could observe that she interacts more often. Comparing to the fact that she was very depressed and spends most of her time sleeping before the treatment. The therapist who helps her with her physiotherapies mentioned that her right foot is stronger now. She could already stand for a longer period of time and sit without losing balance.

Some of the other improvements we had observed is that she starts to speak more often, changing her own blouse, and grabbing the spoon to eat by herself.

I am hoping that by the end of the three months treatment, we are able to see more improvement in her recovery and are grateful to have the opportunity to share how much NeuroAiD has helped my mom to regain her health.

Thank you very much.

-Miguel Lopez


* Pictures are not the actual patients