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Alexandrina’s Mother (Romania)

After ten days on NeuroAiD™ she started talking, repeating sentences, not only words. One month and half later she was able to walk with help

Alexandrina’s Mother (Romania)

Started NeuroAiD™ one month after her stroke.

“My mum is retired, she will be 69 years old in September and she was a teacher. She had a stroke in May 2008. The causes are not very clear because she was healthy and strong, without high blood pressure, diabetes or other diseases but rheumatism. She had a strong pain in her right leg, a very strong pain, during the last two weeks before the stroke. The stroke was very severe and the diagnosis was right side hemiplegia. She was speechless and lost completely her mobility on the right arm and leg. Her memory and knowledge were not affected. She is now working hard for her rehabilitation. We started doing exercises with her the next day after the stroke but doctors did not give us too many hopes regarding her rehabilitation. The first weeks were difficult but she was able to swallow and after two weeks she could sit without any help. After three weeks she was able to stand up with help and she could say a few sounds, mostly vocals.

We found NeuroAiD™ on Internet and we decided very soon to try it. We started to give her NeuroAiD™ four weeks after her stroke. After ten days on NeuroAiD™ she started talking, repeating sentences, not only words. One month and half later she was able to walk with help. We are now at the end of the three-month treatment, she is able to go to the bathroom with minimum help and her speech has really improved. She is able to explain what she wants pretty fluently. She is only barely moving her right arm and still not feeling her fingers. We are very happy with her progress thinking of how she was before taking NeuroAiD™ and how she is today. We trust NeuroAiD™ and we intend to continue the treatment at least for three other months.”