Melissa Ortiz Lopez
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NeuroAiD is recommended for patients suffering from established deficits after a stroke or a traumatic brain injury, to recover their impaired functions and abilities. NeuroAiD should be initiated once the patients are stabilized in combination to rehabilitation therapies.
Read MoreNeuroAiD is a recovery stimulator dedicated to repair neurological functions. NeuroAiD creates a favourable environment to enhance the natural ability of the brain to repair itself, called neuroplasticity.
With its multiple properties, NeuroAiD is an optimal answer to the complexity of the recovery process. It stimulates the generation of new neural cells and favours the formation of new functional neuronal circuits to repair the damaged areas, which is key for achieving recovery. With the changes happening, the brain materialise into faster and greater improvements of neurological functions and impaired abilities.
The neurorestorative properties of NeuroAiD were established in 2010 by a team of French scientists and published in peer-reviewed international journals. Over the years, further scientific research and clinical trials have highlighted its major role in stimulating neurorepair, its safety profile and its long-term benefits in achieving functional recovery.
Manufactured in Singapore, NeuroAiD is available in over 32 countries worldwide through an exclusive network of local affiliates. NeuroAiD is also available online and shipped internationally.
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