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Doug Cheers (Australia)

Doug has made great progress in all areas, regaining his mobility using a walking stick, he can eat, dress and perform some helpful tasks around the home i.e. he put together a wind-up hose reel, can have conversations with people and they comment on how much he has improved with his clarity.

Doug Cheers (Australia)

Doug suffered a large ischemic stroke in April 2010.The right side of his body was severely affected. He lost all his speech, mobility and use of his right side- face, shoulder, arm, hand, fingers and was confined to a wheelchair. He underwent 8 months of rehabilitation. In hospital where he regained some basic speech, was able to walk with the aid of a 4 wheelie walker but still had very little recognition of his right arm. He was sent home and we travelled daily to attend rehabilitation/physiotherapy sessions. Being a trained P.E. Teacher, I devised an exercise program which we worked on extensively at home as well. Always searching for information dealing with ways to help stroke victims, I found NeuroAiD™, read all the testimonials and I was impressed.

Doug started NeuroAiD™ in May 2011. We continued the physio sessions and increased the exercises at home to several times each day. Within the first week I noticed a great improvement with his posture. After 1 month he had regained a “normal facial look”, was recognising and beginning to use his right side of his body, which we were all thrilled with. Even though it has been 2 years now since Doug’s stroke, as a family we decided that the wonderful progress he has made since being on NeuroAiD™ warranted him continuing on it.

Doug has made great progress in all areas, regaining his mobility using a walking stick, he can eat, dress and perform some helpful tasks around the home i.e. he put together a wind-up hose reel, can have conversations with people and they comment on how much he has improved with his clarity. Doug has recently become a gym member and attends 3-4 times a week where he follows a program designed for him. He uses the trundle walker, exercise bike and weights and is now doing crunches on the mat to regain his 6 pack! His determination and motivation to improve and try and regain what was taken from him is highly commendable.

We thank NeuroAiD™ and the support from the team. Their information and constant communication and care has been great.

* Pictures are not the actual patients