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Joyce Barlow (Michigan, USA)

He has been on NeuroAiD™ for one month now and has become stronger physically in that he can actually stand himself up.He speaks better, and he has amazingly improved cognitively and neurologically!

Joyce Barlow (Michigan, USA)

Husband started NeuroAiD™ 2 years and 2 months after stroke, and 2 months after mini stroke

“My husband had a hemorrhagic stroke in Sept. 2005. He has since had 3 minor strokes, the last being in Oct. 2006. He is on an abdominal feeding tube, cannot walk, balance, swallow, or speak very well. He has been on NeuroAiD™ for one month now and has become stronger physically in that he can actually stand himself up. He speaks better, and he has amazingly improved cognitively and neurologically! He still cannot swallow, but he is now a good therapy candidate for that. He will also begin physical therapy, as he now qualifies for that as well. NeuroAiD™ truly works – I have seen it right before my eyes.

He has become more alert and has improved cognitively. The newest development is my husband wants to “walk” and actually attempts to get up from the chair without assistance. Of course, he cannot walk without assistance at all. But the fact that he even THINKS and WANTS to walk has made his physical therapy easy. NeuroAiD™ is the best purchase I ever made for him. Thank you NeuroAiD™!”

* Pictures are not the actual patients