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Liliana Castaño Muñoz (Colombia)

We started the treatment on 26th November 2010 following the recommended dosage. We started to notice some positive improvements. although there were not very significant at the beginning. They started to accentuate more throughout the treatment: the spasticity was reduced, the sense of orientation increased as well as speaking and movement capability at the end of the first month of treatment.

Liliana Castaño Muñoz (Colombia)

The day that my mother turned 79 (30th April 2010), she had a stroke that affected the left side of her body. She was held in an Intensive Care unit for a long time. The doctors were telling us that there was not much they could do, and we could only wait for fatal ending or, if she came out of her critical condition, her brain damage would be irreparable.

After some time, when my mother went from Intensive care unit to medium level of care, we brought her back home and started physical therapy to regain movement, since the affected part of the body remained paralyzed. Furthermore she was tube feeding and given oxygen. After some therapy sessions, removing the tube, and after she started to breathe on her own, we started to look for alternatives to help her. We looked on our own since the doctors said that nothing could be done to improve her condition, and that she would have to live like that from then onwards, because the brain damage was irreversible.

One day, while searching through the internet, my sister found a medicine called NEUROAID, which was only recommended for people who had stroke and seemed to be the only hope of recovery for my mum. We made a consultation through the website and we got a response by e-mail and then a phone call in Spanish. However we still had some doubts about how truthful the information was about the delivery after the payment. Subsequently, we approached another person, in Colombia, who had previously used this medicine and we were able to share the experience of our families. We made payment and the medicine arrived after 7 days as we were told from the place of origin.

We started the treatment on the 26th November 2010 following the recommended dosage. We started to notice some positive improvements, although there were not very significant at the beginning. They started to accentuate more throughout the treatment: the spasticity was reduced, the sense of orientation increased as well as speaking and movement capability at the end of the first month of treatment. Today, after having finished the treatment (3 months), we can highlight the achievements of my mother: mainly she is able to stand up and she is able to walk a little bit with some help.

For the sake of our loved ones, we can do whatever is necessary, with the faith on God and taking everything into consideration. We believe that the NEUROAID treatment, along with physical therapy, can greatly help neurological recovery of patients who had stroke.

If you would like to speak with Liliana, you can contact our Customer Care team and we will give your her email address.