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Madam Doris Tan (Singapore)

Indeed I am actually now in my sixth month of treatment, and I have regained some flexibility and strength in my right hand, and my overall level of energy and optimism is better.

Madam Doris Tan (Singapore)

“I had my stroke in my late forties in 2003. It was an Ischemic stroke which left me with disabilities on my right side. After months of rehabilitation I was able to walk but my hand remained very weak, unable to flex at all or to grip. I first heard about NeuroAiD™ from the newspaper in late 2006, three years after my stroke, and I decided to give it a try, even though I knew three years had already passed, and I adjusted my expectations accordingly. I have found it costly but useful. Indeed I am actually now in my sixth month of treatment, and I have regained some flexibility and strength in my right hand, and my overall level of energy and optimism is better. I continue to take all my medicines for prevention such as cholesterol and blood pressure management. I can now grab objects and I further work on my hand with stress balls and springs, and am looking forward to further improvements. I would recommend others in similar situation to give it a try”