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Mario Peraic (Australia)

My mother was taking NeuroAiD after a year

Mario Peraic (Australia)

“My mother suffered a stroke when she was 58 years old. She was first paralyzed on the left side. After she was discharged from hospital, she was still very dependent and was therefore admitted into a rehabilitation centre. We do visit her daily and ensure she gets the regular physiotherapy and speech therapy she needs. She has regained some of her motor functions over time.

We first heard about NeuroAiD™ over the internet and though over a year had passed since her stroke, we decided to give it a try. She now has completed three months of NeuroAiD™ treatment. Over the past months since starting her NeuroAiD™ program, we have noticed several improvements. For example, she has been able to stand up from her chair unaided, she is more alert and has gained clarity in her speech, she also look less depressed and her appetite has returned to prior having the stroke, even gaining some of her weight back. My mother actually asked us to continue to provide her NeuroAiD™. Since we are happy to see these continuous progresses, we have decided to extend her treatment for at least another two months.”


* Pictures are not the actual patients