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Melissa Ortiz Lopez (Colombia)

After one and a half month of treatment taken in a regular dosage, we had already noticed the changes: almost complete recovery of the sensibility, the improvement of the perception, the concentration, the balance and the walking is now very fluid. She rarely uses her walking stick, not only because her muscles strengthened but also because her spasticity decreased.

Melissa Ortiz Lopez (Colombia)

“My mother, Sonia Lopez, had just completed 50 years without any disease and having taken a healthy life, except for the stress that sometimes was accompanying her. In the afternoon of May 25, 2007, she had a severe headache which was followed by a hemorrhagic stroke. We took her to the hospital at once where the doctors have done a brain surgery because the amount of blood that was inside would cause the brain cells to die. Right after the surgery, she was in a coma for 12 days after which she woke up with facial paralysis and a total right hemiplegia.

In spite of numerous researches, we never knew what had caused her stroke. Mom began at once an extensive physical therapy; her recovery surpassed the expectations within the first 6 months, but after that the recovery of the motricity stagnated because of the strong spasticity. This saddened her. Three times, we injected her some botulinum toxin which limited temporarily its spasticity. Mom followed numerous conventional and biological therapies which helped her in the rehabilitation, but there was no significant progress one year after her stroke.

About two years after her stroke, we discovered NeuroAiD on the Internet and knowing that it may not give any result, we ordered 3 months of treatment. After one and a half month of treatment taken in a regular dosage, we had already noticed the changes: almost complete recovery of the sensibility, the improvement of the perception, the concentration, the balance and the walking is now very fluid. She rarely uses her walking stick, not only because her muscles strengthened but also because her spasticity decreased. From then on, Mom decided with her treating doctor to pursue the NeuroAiD treatment.”

* Pictures are not the actual patients