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Mrs. Tay (Singapore)

My motor functions have improved, I can walk unassisted when at home, I can open and close my palm although I still lack a bit of strength; Overall I am more independent in my daily activities

Mrs. Tay (Singapore)

Started NeuroAiD™ 2 months after ischemic stroke.

“I suffered from an ischemic stroke in November 2006. I had predominantly motor disabilities, walking with clutches, difficulties in gripping or holding objects. After my stroke I was prescribed a number of medicines for prevention and engaged in rehabilitation which consisted of daily physiotherapy combined with acupuncture twice a week. My neurologist first mentioned NeuroAiD™ and I started taking it in December 2006. I find it to be a costly medicine. My motor functions have improved, I can walk unassisted when at home, I can open and close my palm although I still lack a bit of strength; Overall I am more independent in my daily activities. I would recommend NeuroAiD™ to others.”



* Pictures are not the actual patients