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Nelia Hernandez (Nevada, USA)

I feel I am overall getting incrementally better: walking is easier, I have fewer spasms, my mouth is less droopy and I can speak better, my mind is also clearer

Nelia Hernandez (Nevada, USA)

Started NeuroAiD™ 3 years after hemorrhagic stroke.

“Though I never had high cholesterol nor hypertension I suffered from an hemorrhagic stroke in 2004. I was first hemiplegic on the right side with complete numbness and had difficulties to speak. I was staying at home with my son looking after me for the first years. I only started rehab three months after my stroke due to financial and insurance constraints at that time. I since commit to lots of regular exercises, and I have regained over time my ability to walk with a walker. My regained independence allows me to now live alone. I found out about NeuroAiD™ on the internet, and though it was three years after my stroke I decided to give it a first month try, with a nothing to loose attitude. It is an expensive medication, and I had to seek support from friends and family. I feel that I am making some progresses, and have decided to extend the treatment; I am now in my third month and will continue for a fourth one. I feel I am overall getting incrementally better: walking is easier, I have fewer spasms, my mouth is less droopy and I can speak better, my mind is also clearer. I feel the NeuroAiD™ capsules are helping to achieve these results. I hope that someday I will be able to walk without a walker.