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Nurhiya Asaha (Philippines)

Before he was semiconscious, me and my siblings just cried over our father’s condition…but now he is sitting, eating well with his right hand( he had right hemiplegia) turning from side to side on his own, speaking well to us, fully oriented, laughing and telling jokes with his grandchildren

Nurhiya Asaha (Philippines)

The father of Mrs. Nurhiya started taking NeuroAiD™ four months after his stroke and has since significantly recovered much of his gross and fine motor skills, as well as his speech abilities. The testimonial provides a detailed description of the progress in his recovery at the end of the first month of treatment.

” My father who is 68 years old had a stroke on October 2010, like others, in December while searching in the internet, I came across the drug NeuroAiD™ and I immediately inquired and they called me right away. I purchased one month course from my country, the Philippines, through a local distributor of NeuroAiD™.

Before he was semiconscious, me and my siblings just cried over our father’s condition…but now he is sitting, eating well with his right hand( he had right hemiplegia) turning from side to side on his own, speaking well to us, fully oriented, laughing and telling jokes with his grandchildren.

Now, my father has started to walk independently, my mother told me today while she was busy in the kitchen and my brother was sleeping that she heard someone reading out loud, she rushed to my father’s room to her surprise, my father already sitting in the living room reading the Quran…he walked from his room to the living room, his visitors were really shocked and surprised for his very fast recovery. I was able to talk to him through phone today; he said he is ok already. I believed it’s the NeuroAiD™ which help him even for a one month course.

I plan to extend the treatment by at least one month. “

* Pictures are not the actual patients