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Robert Franz (Canada)

After a month on NeuroAiD™, I could raise my arm at about head level; I have since completed three months of treatment and intend to extend the treatment beyond

Robert Franz (Canada)

Started NeuroAiD™ 7 months after ischemic stroke.

“I had my stroke at 48. This ischemic stroke left me in November 2006 with right side paralysis and almost no use of my limbs. I have been first discharged to a step down facility where I spent three months in rehabilitation. Since then I am at home and go for rehabilitation once a week. At the time when I first heard of NeuroAiD™ on the internet, there was little information available and I decided to give it a try – I still had no use of my right arm then. After a month on NeuroAiD™, I could raise my arm at about head level; I have since completed three months of treatment and intend to extend the treatment beyond. I am working as a healthcare professional and hope to be able to go back to work in the future. I believe more should be done to make NeuroAiD™ known to other stroke patients.”