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Ruben Gonzalez (Miami, Florida, USA)

exactly three weeks after starting the treatment I noticed an improvement in the speech of my wife, and later in conjunction with the physical therapy she started to walk

Ruben Gonzalez (Miami, Florida, USA)

“When my wife had a stroke on October 6, 2010 I didn’t know what to do, until I found NeuroAiD™ by chance when surfing the Internet.

I contacted NeuroAiD™ and ordered the treatment in March 2011; exactly three weeks after starting the treatment I noticed an improvement in the speech of my wife, and later in conjunction with the physical therapy she started to walk.

She has responded much better to her therapy, and I would like to continue her treatment with NeuroAiD™, but my economic situation makes it impossible for me because when she suffered her stroke I had many expenses.

I really appreciate what NeuroAiD™ did to my wife. THANK YOU”

* Pictures are not the actual patients