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Tirso Garateguy (Uruguay)

Since 2 months ago my improvements are significant: I can walk with a cane, got back my voice, and my problem to swallow has also improved, even thought it has not fully recovered, my latest tests are positive, so I remain very optimistic

Tirso Garateguy (Uruguay)

Mr. Tirso started the treatment with NeuroAiD™ two years after his stroke and has since significantly improve his condition, mainly in his strength, stability, orientation, and as well as his ability to swallow. The testimonial provides a description of the progress achieved at the end of the second month of treatment.

” Hello, I am TIRSO GARATEGUY, I live in MINAS, LAVALLEJA, R.O.DEL URUGUAY, and I had a stroke 2 years ago. I had the worse consequences left from a stroke, since I was not even able to swallow my own saliva, hemiplegic on the right side, among other disabilities.

My sister-in-law searching the internet for alternative treatments to help to improve my condition found NeuroAiD™ and then we contact them. Since 2 months ago my improvements are significant: I can walk with a cane, got back my voice, and my problem to swallow has also improved, even thought it has not fully recovered, my latest tests are positive, so I remain very optimistic. I haven’t stopped my exercises or given up on NeuroAiD™, I just regret that I didn’t find out about this treatment before. “

* Pictures are not the actual patients