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Zain (South Africa)

A year of repetitions of actions has given him the ability to eat himself, wheel his chair around, punch his little brother, say many words (babbles a lot), write and stand up

Zain (South Africa)

Started NeuroAiD™ 1 year after brain stem stroke on his 8 years old child.

“Stroke to a family member especially a child is a devastating blow to a family, even worse than death. My son (then 8.5 years) had a massive brain stem stroke. This rendered him with bi-lateral paralysis. He also could not breathe on his own. Speech was non-existent. He first spent 3 months in ICU and two months in rehabilitation. He did regain his ability to breathe on his own but eating was a problem. Contrary to the firm belief of the neurologists that he will not breathe himself or eat himself, he has recovered a lot. The trick: Stimulation. A year of repetitions of actions has given him the ability to eat himself, wheel his chair around, punch his little brother, say many words (babbles a lot), write and stand up. He still has neurological problems. I am hoping with time this will be corrected. NeuroAiD™ is not an overnight miracle drug; the recovery of my son so far can be attributed to PT, OT and NeuroAiD™. It will be a year in August 2007 since his stroke. He has recovered quite well according to our family neurologist. I had a few doctors and including the Red Cross in Cape Town check out the drug NeuroAiD™ and it was suggested that my child use a 1/3 adult dose which he’s still using.”

* Pictures are not the actual patients