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Elise Mulder-van Gulik (Netherlands)

After 7 weeks he could lift his knee. Every week there was progress, his sitting balance became back, he could swallow again, and the left part of his sight came back

Elise Mulder-van Gulik (Netherlands)

“No, I will never forget the day the phone rang. It was December 30, 2008, and I heard that my dear, dear father, who I love immensely, had an ischemic stroke.

It turned out, that my dad had an unusual big stroke, and was totally paralyzed at his left side of his body. No sitting balance, couldn’t swallow (so he needed a tube). Sadly, he had no control over his bladder at all. The doctor had no medicines for him, except making his blood thinner. It didn’t help at all.

Many people from our church and our family prayed for hope and progress for dad.

After a few weeks, I was trying to figure out if there was a way we could help him with his swallowing issue.

When I was surfing the internet, I was on google.com, and saw in the corner of my eye; “Hope for stoke patients, Neuroaid”. I thought “Well, that is what we need!”

We told the doctor about the pills and she was not happy, she did not know the pills, she did not trust it etc. She almost convinced us, but then my 14 year old son said; “Mom what do we have to lose, the way how Grandpa’s condition is, he won’t get old, he isn’t able to do anything.”  My dad was still as paralyzed as he was the day we received the call.

We ordered the pills, 7 weeks after my dad’s stroke. After 7 days the phone rang again. I heard my mother in tears telling me that he moved the toes of his paralyzed leg. After 7 weeks he could lift his knee. Every week there was progress, his sitting balance became back, he could swallow again, and the left part of his sight came back. Now after using Neuroaid 3 months, he did his first step.

The customer service is extremely great. Whenever I had a concern or question and I emailed Jacqueline. She called me back and answered all my questions.

After a few weeks, we do not see progress. I called Jacqueline, and she told me that the recovery appears in like waves. So, one time my Dad had headaches, it was in the beginning, I thought maybe it is because of NeuroAid. Thankfully, she calmed me down and said she never heard that. She was very helpful and patient.

Now, mother is as walking advertisement. She is so thankful, everybody in hospital knows about NeuroAid, I think! My dad uses it for almost 4 months and we will continue until we have reached the 6th month. We have good hopes that my dad will be able to leave the nursing home and live with my mom at home.

We thank the Lord daily for this great medicine, which He so blessed, and each and every one of the stroke patients who have tried NeuroAiD. For us, this medicine is an answer to our prayer.”

* Pictures are not the actual patients